The Oriental Illuminati : A ones we don't see

"A good conspiracy is an unprovable one....
If you can prove it, it means they must have screwed up somewhere along the line"

We know they exist. Centuries have passed and their influence doesn't seem to wane, instead its on an infinite rise. Rumored to have been a brainchild of stalwarts like the magnanimous Leonardo Da Vinci and Dante, it started out as the weapon of logic in a world where religion reigned supreme, in a world where the Pope and someone like Galileo Galelei stood at opposite ends of the fence, in a world where going against the prescribed law meant imminent exile and banishment, the rule of the land was to stay hush hush if you had a brain that questioned because no one dared question authority. And religion was authority. In a world like this, came about the force that came to be known as Illuminati. While the Illuminati is associated to the Bavarian clan of the Illuminati, its presence undeniably so stretches the globe. Europe takes center stage as the one place where Illuminati really established firm control or really their base of operations. The Illuminati spared none, from the Vatican to the school of art and literature, they were (are) everywhere. They were among us, yet they weren't there. The presence of this legendary cult group crossed over to the other continents. By the time the mid 18th century arrived, the forces of the Illuminati had crossed over to the American mainland, so much so that the Free masons of which the founder of American Democracy, George Washington was a member of ( atleast rumoured ) was infact a branch of the Illuminati. If you don't believe me, look in the back of the American Dollar bill. The all conquering eye will stare right back at you ! 

Now, coming on to the crux of where I'm headed with this post, the one area many believe was largely untouched as far as the Illuminati are concerned is the Orient, or to put it simply, mainland Asia. A society completely different from the Occident, often at crossroads with the western culture, Illuminati presence on this landmass was negligible at best. And when we talk of the Oriental way of living, nothing stands out as a better embodiment of the Orient way of life than India. Seventh largest in size and second largest in terms of population the country has as many social and cultural diversities as it has people.Often touted as the land of snake charmers and black magic, one would expect Illuminati presence in India to be totally non existent, or minimal at best. But as it turns out, and what I like to believe is that for a cult group so magnanimous in style and so mythical in aura, not having a presence in the hotbed of all that can be considered diverse is lame at best. In India, there was potential, potential to create a presence, potential to cause a stir, potential to change the course of history. Illuminati didn't want a mere presence, it wanted to change history, turn the tide. They weren't pan European anymore, the Illuminati infact was present everywhere.

in context to the Indian mainland, the biggest Illuminati conspiracy related question is "Who is the Indian Illuminati ? " or does it exist at all ? And no, we aren't talking of Honey Singh, not even figuratively !

When it comes to the Indian Illuminati, there is divided opinion. A large group of people believe its the Gandhi family. They believe the abuse of power and control over the Indian state the Gandhi family has had over the Indian state, is in many ways indicative of how the Illuminati continues to dominate the world, through soft power. While such an opinion does make you think twice and even consider it as  a real possibility, it largely remains attached to hatred for a family, or more appropriately, towards an once Italian lady the country loves to hate. But then again, if infact the Illuminati did need a vehicle to establish dominance over India, the Gandhi family would be the obvious way to enter the Indian sub continent and create a lasting impact that would guarantee a presence that would be a part of Indian History. 
The more accepted version of the Illuminati is even more interesting, primarily because of its timeline, which was at the height of the Mauryan dynasty, with the founder of Indian Illuminati being none other than the legendary King Ashoka in and around 226 B.C.While history gives us the popular version whereby after the aftermath of the Kalinga war, a deeply impacted Ashoka turned Buddhist embracing the religion of peace, a group of theorists actually believe it marks the birth of the first Illuminati sect in India, "The Nine Unknown Men". 
These Nine men, presumably scholars and intellectual giants of their time were entrusted with guarding secrets the world wasn't supposed to know, definitely not at that time. 
Each of these men, had to guard a scientific book, or scientific matter, pertaining to a single scope of study. This material was continuously re written and updated, and the guardians themselves changed from time to time. The number of the unknown men was always nine, and their undisguised interactions with the outside world few and far between. Why and how they kept these written material secret no one knows. That's the beauty of the mystique that surrounds the Illuminati. The nature of information they seem to possess has always been abstract and speculative at best, nothing is ever conclusive. What is said, and this is again mere speculation, is that it was information that was way too dangerous in the hands of unknowledgeable men. Some of these secret scientific material, its said pertained to topics like anti gravity and time travel. Of course , topics like this at that time was almost unheard of, proponents of natural science were seen as enemies of religion, and no one wanted to be known as an enemy of the religious order.
No one ever knows if this is merely conjecture or the hard truth, but history tells us it must have been true. Only that, it was well veiled so that the world didn't know. 
Maybe these secrets still live on, maybe the Nine Guardians still go about their job as normal people while guarding potentially life altering secrets.
The Illuminati has always been a part of us, they still are, they will always be. Their nature has changed, their ideologies have altered, even their ambitions have changed. What hasn't changed is their impact.Such deep rooted is the idea of this secret cult that with time, they have become a spook story. Worldly dimensions seem too narrow to encapsulate everything that is the Illuminati. Maybe we would never know, but we sure live in a world dictated or controlled by them. 
Shakespeare once famously said " All the world's a stage, and we men and women are merely actors and actresses performing in it " 
It stands true, we are still merely performers, tiny elements of something much larger, what's changed is the one pulling the strings is something or someone we could never see.

Because the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist...

And just like that, he was gone !


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